
We are happy you want to join our guild! We are always looking for new guildmembers! You can go to the ingame guild finder system and make an application there and please tell us why you want to join our guild. For more info you can also whisper one of our officers

Officers: Blackwidow, Caieta, Fortitude, Draenerys, Pharven, Polinczki, Yakku


We don't care much about ranks and treat everyone equal so there people who are officer are just as important as all other members.

Once you are accepted in the guild you will start with the rank of Trailberry. With this rank you have no acces to the guild bank but other than that and officer chat you are able to do anything. This rank only exist to get to know people and after a short time you will be promoted to full member.


The website is public for everyone to visit but there are some parts that are just for guild members like our forum. To gain acces to these features you need an account for the website. You can talk to Pharven about creating an account.