Hello, we are the Strawberry Tigers! Our guild was founded in 2005, so you could call us an old guild. Our guild atmosphere has remained the same over the years: it is a place for World of Warcraft fanatics who love everything the game has to offer, as well as casual players who doesn’t want to learn how Pet Battle works – and everything in between. In other words, we’re an active guild with lots to offer!


We pride ourselves in having a nice and laid back social environment where everyone fits in. Our social activities is heavily based on making fun of everything but mostly gnomes. Even if you play a gnome: we’re all here to have fun and will not force you to contribute to any activities in the guild.


We raid every Monday and Thursday. Every new raid tier starts with Normal difficulty, where we learn the fights and get our gear up to scratch. Our aim will always be to achieve Ahead of the Curve on Heroic difficulty.

We raid every Monday and Thursday. Every new raid tier starts with Normal difficulty, where we learn the fights and get our gear up to scratch. Our aim will always be to achieve Ahead of the Curve on Heroic difficulty.


We love Dungeons! Come online, ask in guild chat and there will almost always be Tigers that wants to join the adventure! Everyone is welcome to do the key level they want and feel comfortable with.